The Speed of Mobile Technology | Stratix

MYTHBUSTERS: The Speed of Mobile Technology – Too Fast, Too Furious?

Written by Ross Homans

2 Min Read


If you think of technological advancement for the enterprise as a highway, there seem to be two distinct lanes with very different speeds.

The first lane is where “traditional” technology such as monitors, laptops, and desktops live. While OEMs refresh this technology every year (usually timed to chipset refreshes from Intel and their competitors), functionality is static, and enterprises refresh their traditional computing devices on average every 4 – 5 years. The speed of this lane allows enterprises to easily dictate how fast – or slow – they want to invest money and resources.

The second lane is where mobile technology lives, and it couldn’t be more of a contrast. Smartphones, tablets and sensors connected to The Internet of Things (IoT) evolve rapidly, and the lines between them overlap and blur at a dizzying pace. Samsung, Motorola and Huawei are testing the waters of foldable phone/tablet hybrids in very different ways, creating a very real possibility that those devices will not exist as we currently know them in 4-5 years’ time. Beyond the hardware, 5G network connectivity is a promising and complex standard that could redefine broadband for consumers and enterprises alike. And those are just the main developments of the past few months!

Unfortunately, your mobile spend capacity and business requirements are not as dynamic as these trends, so creating a mobility program for those needs is no small feat. How does one stay current to deliver a modern and satisfactory user experience while also getting the most out of their investments in mobile technology?

Fortunately, the notion that mobile technology moves too fast for you to have efficient and effective managed mobility is a myth. Engaging the right partner early on to craft a true mobile blueprint means that you’re well-positioned to thrive amidst the hectic pace of technological change. A blueprint centered around the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) model gives your business flexibility to adapt and maximizes ROI because your mobile spend is now a single manageable monthly expenditure.

This myth doesn’t have to be a reality for your enterprise. To learn more about the answer to this question and other mobile technology myths, read our new eBook, MYTHBUSTERS: The 5 Biggest Misconceptions About Managed Mobility Services.

Mythbusters: The 5 Biggest Misconceptions About Managed Mobility Services

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