Advanced SIM Card Management  - Stratix

Advanced SIM Card Management 

Fact Sheet

Keep Out the Chaos 

Successful large-scale mobile device deployments depend on accuracy. Any device that relies on cellular connectivity must be correctly configured with the right SIM card.  

But there can be challenges—like if a company utilizes the same SIM SKU but has different data plan requirements for distinct user groups. Scenarios like this introduce a much higher opportunity for incorrectly issued SIMS or cross contamination. Mistakes can cause delayed launches, poor user experiences, and added costs.  

Get Your House in Order 

Stratix solves SIM card management challenges with advanced technology and processes to scan, process, and record critical SIM card information at significant scale, speed, and accuracy. We read each individual SIM card’s unique ICCID number, record it, and make it available to upload systematically into our ERP system, which is the digital backbone of our operations. Specific SIM ICCIDs are assigned ownership within the system upon initial receipt, locking them and making them only available for use by that designated account and user group. These systematic controls eliminate mis-picks and ensure the right SIM cards are staged and inserted in the correct device. 

challenges and solutions given by stratix for SIM cards

Stratix Services 

  • Precise project management Careful attention to detail ensures success. 
  • Fast deployment Our high-speed integration center leverages proprietary tools for maximum speed and efficiency.
  • Flexibility and scale We have the capacity and tools to deploy thousands of devices wherever needed.
  • Quality assurance validation We use automation to rigorously ensure the accurate configuration of devices.
  • Wide-ranging expertise We know and work with the industry’s best to give you powerful options to solve your challenges.

Key Business Benefits 

  • Automating the configuration and enrollment of devices improves quality and lowers costs 
  • Solutions launch on time with no hiccups, which improves user adoption and delivers the expected ROI 
  • Get the scale and expertise you need to put the latest enterprise mobility solutions to work for you quickly and efficiently 
  • With our extensive network of leading device and software providers, Stratix gives you one hand to shake. We make enterprise mobility convenient, easy, and cost-effective 

Why Stratix 

Stratix is North America’s premier enterprise mobility specialist and focuses exclusively on mobility services, with over three million devices deployed. We specialize in making mobile technology convenient, easy, and cost-effective for our customers. Our services are backed by specialized teams to consult, deploy, manage, and support your technology programs, guaranteeing nonstop mobility for your organization.