3 Years of Research Shows Enterprises Steadily Moving Towards Mobile-First - Stratix

3 Years of Research Shows Enterprises Steadily Moving Towards Mobile-First

Written by Ian Slack

2 Min Read


The just-released Stratix 2022 Enterprise Mobility Outlook report is our third year of research on the use of mobile technology in enterprise-scale organizations. As an industry leader, we commission this research to study trends and learn what’s working—and what isn’t—so we can help our customers improve mobile-driven digital transformation and adopt mobile-first principles that put mobility at the heart of strategy, operations, and user experiences. 

When we started researching, the idea of a global pandemic was the stuff of apocalyptic fiction novels and movies. Two years on, mobile solutions have been lifelines for organizations trying to tame the disruption. It’s clear that mobile-driven digital transformation will remain a top priority for years to come. 

2030 Enterprise Mobility Outlook 

We kicked off these annual surveys with our 2030 Enterprise Mobility Outlook, which looked forward a decade to analyze tech-led disruption and its potential impact on enterprise growth, mobile workforces, and transformation. The research found that innovators embracing mobile-first principles were leading the way in revenue growth. 

Technologically mature organizations stressed the importance of partnerships for disruption readiness. Frontline mobility was a foundation for success, with IT support capacity and ease-of-use being key factors. Data-driven solutions were leading the way to innovation and disruption, but optimization wasn’t coming easy. 

2021 Enterprise Mobility Outlook 

Our second study showed how mobile-first strategies were a significant differentiator for organizations that were thriving in the pandemic disruption. Operational flexibility was then—and is now—a deciding factor in organizational success. The research highlighted the “digital divide” between agile organizations that focus on mobile technology capabilities vs. those who were lagging behind on prioritizing and investing in mobile device and service portfolios for their frontline workforces. 

The pandemic created a “new normal” in which mobile solutions are critical for anywhere operations, remote workforces, nimble frontline workers, efficient workflows, and great user experiences that delight employees and customers. 

2022 Enterprise Mobility Outlook 

This year’s research shows us the progression after two years of the pandemic and how organizations are adapting to the new normal. 

New for this year, we’ve introduced our Mobile-First Score, which is a benchmark measurement that we can compare year-over-year to gauge the progress of organizations in different industries going forward. 

First, we asked organizations to rank themselves, and then we saw how well they did on a battery of questions designed to determine their actual level of development. We found a big gap between our score and self-perceptions. The majority (53%) describe themselves as mobile-first, but only 29 percent score high on our battery of key indicators. 

The research shows that while many organizations are embracing mobile-first, it’s not as widespread as it could be. Decision-making is decentralized, with few using a holistic strategy to gain strategic advantages and cost savings. 

Read the Reports 

All three years of our research are available for you to read: 

230 Enterprise Mobility Outlook Report
2021 Enterprise Mobility Outlook

While the 2022 report shows enterprises still have a way to go on mobile-first strategies, they’re making steady progress. Mobile solutions helped organizations weather the pandemic and demonstrated how they deliver higher productivity, increased efficiency, nimbleness, and improved user experiences.  

With 5G now widely available, new use cases like augmented reality, enhanced communications, and more sensor-based systems mean that mobile-driven digital transformation will accelerate over the next few years. 


Research shows most organizations are behind on mobile-driven digital transformation.

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