Unboxing the Zebra MC9400 Mobile Computer - Stratix

Unboxing the Zebra MC9400 Mobile Computer

Zebra has released its new MC9400/MC9450 mobile computers, which are a significant upgrade in its MC9000 series. This video is a hands-on demonstration from Stratix Solution Architect Dipesh Hinduja.


One of the things that’s always made the Zebra ecosystem so great for industrial use for supply chain use for retail use is that these devices have a lot, a long lifecycle on their own, but then when they do get refreshed, you could reuse those same accessories, that investment in your charging, in your, um, in storage infrastructure that you may have reuse the same infrastructure investment in charging in storage in applications really easily.

This device is the replacement for the MC9300 and is a full drop-in replacement in your environment. Zebra devices always come with the best in the OSS updates and IT security functionality.

Now that these devices are considered to be not only inside your four walls, they’re also easy to travel with. With that cellular connectivity, you wanna make sure that you are keeping these devices up to date and they’re able to be used on the internet.

That’s why Zebra lifeguard functionality is critical when planning out which devices to use, not just inside your four walls anymore, but also out in the field transitioning from the MC9300 to the MC9450, or from other form factors into this particular form factor.

You’re gonna need an expert to make sure you have all the right settings coming over, as well as taking advantage of the new features such as the facial ID that is built into this device.

That’s where Stratix can work with you to make sure you’re taking advantage of these features and your investment in these devices. So you are set for the long term right up front if you wanna upgrade.

Stratix is the expert in the industry and we’re ready to help.