Leverage the Power of Apple Devices - Stratix

Leverage the Power of Apple Devices


Stratix has a very strategic relationship with Apple. We are certified in a number of different ways within their partner ecosystem and very differentiated actually within their partner ecosystem. Stratix is an authorized service provider for Apple to repair in-house Macs and iPhones. We also have 30 people within our sales and mobile solution architect teams that are business enterprise professional certified, which means we have taken the time to get an extra level of certification across our sales team to really add a differentiated approach and a more knowledgeable sales campaign with our clients. We also have Apple support professional certifications within our technical teams, which means we are given a deeper level of certification on apple products than others who may not have participated so that we understand those products. Know how to support them. Know how to implement them and know how to help our clients with any issues that may arise.