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A retail report released by Stratix and IHL  ahead of the NRF show this week outlined the great success retailers are having once they place mobility in the hands of their associates/managers to change the customer experience in-store.  However, it also highlighted the top 5 challenges retailers are facing when deploying mobility, which include: 

  1. Having the right applications for mobile 
  2. Lacking staff to manage mobility 
  3. Lacking proper helpdesk/support options 
  4. EMV certification challenges/lack of good payment options 
  5. Managing/monitoring mobile security 

We were not surprised by these results, as we work daily with some of the top retailers in the world to help them plan, deploy, manage and support mobile for their employees.  Through this, we see first-hand how these challenges are manifested by retailers superb at navigating the fast-changing world of retail, but for all the right reasons they are not able to navigate the even-faster-changing world of mobile technology. 

Stratix’s Retail Technology Managed Mobile Services (MMS)  can overcome these challenges and allow retailers to accomplish their goals for mobility in the hands of associates, managers and for mobile POS:

The benefits of deploying mobility in retail are immense and create great business benefits for both the front-of-the-house with retail associates and managers and the back-of-the-house with warehouse/distribution center operations. 

IHL Retail

What are the top 5 challenges when deploying mobile?

View the White Paper