Managing Your Temporary Device Program - Stratix

Managing Your Temporary Device Program with Stratix

Solution Brief

Solution Overview

Whether corporate-issued, corporate-owned personally enabled (COPE) or brought in by employees (BYOD), mobile devices are a necessity in your everyday operations. Managing these devices usually calls for standardized configuration, meticulously monitored device management and the ability to quickly deploy across large pools of employees, for limited periods of time.

These are specifically for impermanent use cases that are project-dependent and are deployed to a specialized workforce of developers, software engineers, construction personnel, event managers and various other temporary users. In every situation you have an employee who needs a mobile device to perform their function – in a standard configuration and you need to have a pool of reliable devices that are easy to deploy, manage and return to inventory at end of use. Does your organization have the tools and support infrastructure needed to provide full visibility and utility to a sizable allotment of temporary devices?

Stratix can help. As North America’s premier enterprise mobility specialist, we focus exclusively on mobility services and have over 2 million devices under management. Our services are backed by specialized teams to provide end-to-end visibility and ensure the integrity of your temporary mobile device ecosystem for your most business-critical scenarios — thereby providing nonstop mobility.

Customer Challenges

The complexity of deploying, managing, tracking and re-provisioning temporary devices with the latest configuration data calls for SmartMobile programs that can offer it to you through a single pane of glass, including:

  • Device visibility:  Comprehensive device management is necessary to ensure that your temporary/loaner devices are trackable and deployable at a moment’s notice.
  • User tracking: Just as it is paramount to have 360-degree visibility of your temporary device ecosystem, it is vital to know who is in possession of these devices and for how long. An effective temporary device program must offer detailed device usage histories and identification of current users, updated in real time.
  • Secure storage and re-provisioning:  When not in use or between project deployments, your devices need to be safely and securely stored in a configuration-ready state to be redeployed in support of the next project.

Managed Mobile Services for Temporary Device Management

Stratix offers highly integrated mobile programs to support the deployment, management and tracking of both your devices and the employees checking them out of your device inventory pool at any given time.

  • Stratix’s Mobile Device Management team stages your temporary device pool so that you’re in complete control of how they are allotted from procurement to re-provisioning. Your personnel will have quick and efficient access to devices as the need arises with up-to-date information that helps them hit the ground running.
  • Stratix’s itrac360 visibility dashboard provides a single pane of glass that gives you an end-to-end view of device histories and the individuals who are currently in possession of your device inventory pool. API integration can enable automated updates of the user assignment, allowing your locker or ticketing systems to be the only interaction point required yet still keeping the system of record fully up to date. You can configure and customize the dashboard to your preference, plus get advanced reports of detailed and actionable data.
  • Stratix’s Mobile Help Desk team can manage device access remotely and securely. For example, your temporary devices can be deployed through secure lockers that can be quickly accessed via PIN codes provided by our Help Desk team.

With Stratix, you’ll get the most out of your mobile investment by building an end-to-end temporary device program that will meet the needs of employees, exactly when and where they need it. Lack of visibility, usage inefficiencies, lost or stolen devices and other complications are a thing of the past. Most importantly, that single pane of glass. Support your temporary and project-based employees with a better solution for the devices they need.