Stratix Helps School Districts' IT Make Technology Sustainable - Stratix

Stratix Helping School District IT Teams Take on the Challenge of Making Student Technology Programs Sustainable

The company provides Chromebook IT services for the largest public school district in Georgia

PEACHTREE CORNERS, Ga. (October 6, 2021) – Stratix Corporation, a leader in mobile technology services, announced today it’s contracted with Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) to provide a complete Chromebook program lifecycle solution to the district’s 142 schools and 180,000 students who need devices. The agreement is the latest in a series the company has made with school districts across the country as it steps up assistance to educators managing large-scale student technology programs—often for the first time.

“School district IT teams have never had to take on support at this scale before,” explained Louis Alterman, CEO and president of Stratix. “We have nearly four decades of experience designing, managing, and supporting mobile technology programs for some of the world’s largest and most complex enterprises. We’re using that expertise to help schools create efficient and sustainable technology programs that keep students online and learning while delivering the best return on investment.”

The pandemic pushed school districts to pivot quickly to solutions like Chromebook programs for remote learning. It’s clear that this is the “new normal,” and students will need technology that enables them to move seamlessly between classrooms and home to learn wherever they are from now on.

As districts provide Chromebooks and mobile devices in much the same way they once offered textbooks, they’re challenged by problems like 24/7 support, repair, and keeping track of devices. Many are seeing unacceptable amounts of lost equipment or finding broken Chromebooks piling up.

With its SmartMobile Education solution, Stratix alleviates the burden on IT teams—allowing them to focus on in-school technology, networks, and infrastructure—while providing a faster turnaround time, integrated ticketing, and help desk support for student-issued devices.

“School districts have learned that Chromebook programs aren’t one and done. They’re ongoing. You need to put the same kind of thought and planning into it that you would for something like busing logistics,” offered Stratix Education Technology Consultant Meredith Campbell. “We can create a holistic program that keeps devices working and in the hands of the students that need them.”