Key Considerations to Supporting Work-at-Home Directives for Business Continuity - Stratix

Key Considerations to Supporting Work-at-Home Directives for Business Continuity


Extraordinary events have the potential to change company culture faster than any other action. A natural disaster or pandemic, for example, prompts organizations to quickly review or put in place new, out-of-office work processes and technologies to reduce employee productivity losses when self-, executive-, or government mandated employee isolation is necessary.

There’s no silver bullet for changing employee experience when a disruption occurs. Yet organizations can make progress today that will improve how their employees work from home while accelerating enterprise-wide, remote-first goals with a digital workspace strategy.

Five IT Principles Driving Employee Experience

The steps leadership takes now to boost digital employee experience can quickly become the foundation for digital business or mission advantage later. That’s if IT and executive teams understand and agree on some basic, not necessarily new, principles:

  • What applications employees need
  • Where key applications and data reside
  • How employees currently (and will be expected to) access work resources
  • How leadership and employees currently (and will be expected to) communicate and collaborate
  • What help employees will have available if and when issues arise