Beyond Security, What Else UEM Can Do | Stratix

Paper: Beyond Security, What Else UEM Can Do

White Paper: Unlock the Full Potential of
Your Organization with Unified Endpoint Management

Click to read Unlock the Full Potential of Your Organization with Unified Endpoint Management

When we think about traditional endpoint management, the first things that come to mind are usually security, asset administration, and the automation of traditional IT tasks like pushing out patches and other updates. 

But modern unified endpoint management can do so much more. For one, it’s a comprehensive tool that can help you improve the ways people work across the entire organization. 

“UEM gives us a unique opportunity to move beyond just managing a thing and allows us to manage the entirety of an experience for a person,” explained Christopher Reed, Director of Technology Strategy at Omnissa. 

Ensuring a good experience across all devices significantly improves productivity and helps with employee retention. Comprehensive UEM is also a prescription for streamlining workflows, creating potential cost savings, and gaining significant strategic advantages. 

Podcast: Beyond Security, What Else UEM Can Do

In this podcast episode, we're talking about modern unified endpoint management, and how it's streamlining workflows and more. Join us as we chat with Omnissa's Christopher Reed and Steve Dejarnett, who share their insights and expertise on UEM.

Watch the Episode