Is Unified Endpoint Management Right for Your Business? - Stratix

Is Unified Endpoint Management Right for Your Business?

Written by Erin Glancy


With each new wonderful way technology helps businesses enhance productivity, come the hassles of managing that technology. The influx of numerous endpoints—from desktops and laptops to phones and tablets and the Internet of Things (IoT)—not only means more to manage, but the diversity of these devices creates a precarious balancing act for many tech teams. Using the same enterprise mobility solution you’ve always used to manage these disparate platforms will only drive down productivity and make everyone frustrated in the process. Instead, Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) minimizes management complexity so your tech team can work more efficiently and creates unified access, enabling your staff to be more productive anytime, anywhere.

Is UEM Right for Your Business?

Let’s take a look to see if your business can benefit from UEM.

1. Are the number and variety of your company’s user devices growing exponentially?
Using disparate solutions, such as those built for desktops to manage mobile devices, just won’t work because it takes a different platform to manage each kind of device, plus highly paid engineers to manage each platform. UEM is a single platform, so even though there are more devices, it takes less effort, time, headcount, and money to manage.

2. Are you paying for a variety of software licenses to manage a host of devices?
Software licensing hard costs can cut into your budget as more devices are added to your company plan. Multiply that with the soft costs of extra headcount to manage the variety of solutions, and now you’re over budget. An enterprise mobility solution, like UEM, can lead to significant savings by consolidating multiple licenses into one, therefore fewer people to manage them, and providing you with access to volume-purchasing discounts.

3. Do you have a significant number of remote workers?
The growth of remote workforces has increased the need for teams to work digitally instead of breaking budgets with travel expenses. So, no matter where your team is, ensuring they have access to data is always a high priority. The last thing you need is a slowdown in your team’s information gathering. Unified endpoint management makes accessing data from multiple endpoints fast, efficient, and secure. No matter where your workers are or what kind of hardware they’re using, they can spend less time rummaging through hard drives, improving their productivity and your opportunity to increase profits.

4. Is real-time collaboration key to enabling people to do their jobs well while keeping your business innovating?
Enabling your team to collaborate freely expands your ability to innovate and grow. Whether they’re connecting around the globe or even in the same workspace on their own devices, it’s imperative that they have an efficient way to share links and information, so everyone is on the same page. Enterprise mobility solutions streamline collaboration so people can work better together in real-time, getting more done no matter where they are. And unified endpoint management breaks down the barriers between devices, enabling everyone in your company to be invested in working smarter.

5. Are you able to ensure all the mobile devices used by your team are secure?
Most businesses have a false sense of safety, thinking that since they already have a security solution in place, they’re protected. Managing a plethora of devices for thousands of users can create a bottleneck in pushing security updates and leaving some endpoints vulnerable. Utilizing UEM can enable you to securely manage the data on all devices—personal and corporate—ensuring your data and reputation are protected. You can also securely push apps, email, share data, and wipe intellectual property from devices—closing the gaps in your security—with just one update implementation.

6. Are you unsure about which enterprise mobility solution is right for your business?
Having a trusted managed mobility solution advisor show you side-by-side comparisons of UEM solutions is key to understanding which solution will meet your business needs now and grow with you. By getting to know your business, how your team works, your current needs, and where you want to go, they can help you pick the best solution.

Better Together

Stratix experts will help you roadmap your mobility transformation journey, so you’re not making a decision now that will leave you stuck later. Armed with the answers to the questions above and many more, we can align your business needs with leading unified endpoint management solutions, including VMware Workspace ONE, MobileIron, and other Gartner-ranked solutions. In fact, Workspace ONE is a Gartner leader, offering clients a variety of versions and option levels to meet your current needs and provide scalability as your business and budget mature.